Thank you for this opportunity to propose a donor recognition and engagement system for the Medical and Surgical Pavilion at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

We are inspired by your commitment to creating a world-class Pavilion that will transform lives through research and patient care.

Your philanthropic partners believe in that same vision. They aren’t only investing in a new building; they too want to tackle some of the largest challenges in healthcare, accelerate breakthroughs, and provide exceptional care today while pioneering the cures of tomorrow. Ultimately, you and your donors share the same dream – creating an environment of personalized, holistic, innovative, and renowned care.

Celebrating the philanthropic investment made by your philanthropic partners may be the primary purpose of your new donor wall (what we call a donor engagement center), but we know it can do so much more than that. Of course, it will celebrate philanthropy in a beautiful, meaningful, and inclusive manner, but it will also communicate the transformational impact of MedStar Georgetown University Hospital and will communicate the integral role that philanthropy plays in accelerating future healthcare breakthroughs.

As a fundraising and stewardship tool, your donor engagement center will help you retain donors, grow philanthropic revenue, engage critical stakeholder groups, and provide you with messages that can migrate across all your communication channels. All this results in the further enhancement of your philanthropic culture.

Thank you for the opportunity to propose on this exciting project. We hope the following information is helpful as you choose your partner in this project. And we sincerely hope you conclude that BrookGlobal is the optimal partner to join you in this mission.



Your aspirations are inspiring. We would be privilege to partner with you to make them come to life. We understand the project would have several components.

Creating a dynamic donor engagement center for the Medical and Surgical Pavilion

Developing donor recognition for other named spaces

The donor engagement center’s primary purpose is to celebrate and recognize your philanthropic partners who share your vision for the new Medical and Surgical Pavilion. It is our understanding that you want to accomplish this (and more) by skillfully integrating donor recognition, design, and storytelling in a hybrid mix of digital and static (what we call Brook Easy Change) systems.

Your donor engagement center will communicate the impact of philanthropic investment by creating an exceptional donor experience in storytelling by specifically communicating the impact of philanthropy on research and clinical care. At the same time, it will clearly link philanthropic investment to your ability to provide innovative and leading care in the future.

By doing this, you will not only be able to provide an exceptional donor experience, but you will have a powerful tool that helps you accelerate the trajectory of success in your philanthropic program even more.

Your individual donor recognition naming signage will complement and tie in with the main donor engagement center and will be a beautiful, elegant, and stunning display, allowing you to create a memorable and emotionally significant experience to those individual donors.

Cura Personalis.



For more than 40 years, BrookGlobal has been a family-owned business. The company was born as an architectural signage firm and evolved into crafting donor recognition systems for hospitals and universities in the 1980s.

Twenty years later, we strengthened our commitment to improving philanthropy, and in 2014, we pioneered a paradigm shift to engagement systems that have become game-changers for our partners. These engagement systems are exquisitely beautiful, highly effective, and easily updatable to continue recognizing and inspiring donors.

In creating innovative engagement systems to inspire donors, BrookGlobal takes an evidence-based approach reinforced by deep experience and a broad knowledge base from everyone at #TeamBrook.

Our common denominator? Passion for inspiring philanthropic investment to impact more lives positively.



The health and safety of your patients and staff are of the utmost importance to us. All members of #TeamBrook, including contractors, are fully vaccinated and we agree to abide by whichever regulations are in place at the time of installation.

Darren Parker


Daniel Beer


Shawn Plater


Kerilee Falloon


Anna Leskiw


Brett Mencik


Miroslav Mackic


Bruce Plater


Aaron Noble




To orchestrate the success of your project, we would employ our tried-and-true methodology that we have used on hundreds of projects.

This methodology begins with a Discovery phase to ensure that we gain an understanding of your project’s primary objectives, aspirations, and challenges. The other three phases ensure that the entire project comes to a successful conclusion, on time and on budget. 

Our methodology has four phases. Each is briefly outlined below. To learn more about any phase, please click that box for a more in-depth description


Understanding Your Needs

  • Your fundraising program’s strategic objectives and aspirations
  • Your philanthropic and institutional culture
  • Your decision-making process and key stakeholders you want to involve
  • Existing donor recognition elements and policies
  • Your ideal timeline and budget
  • Engineering knowledge for possible locations of donor recognition elements
  • You and your architect’s design themes and aspirations


Ensuring Success

  • Affirm objectives and goals
  • Finalize donor recognition strategy and/or strategies for individual donor engagement centers
  • Develop tangible goals to benchmark project success
  • Develop plans that speak to all stakeholders
  • Develop a plan to determine the frequency and method of updating content in centers

Developing Solutions

  • Utilize strategies to inform the design
  • Orchestrate a creative design development process that engages all your desired stakeholders
  • Create designs that skillfully combine beauty, creativity, and functionality to ensure you have tools for the fundraising program
  • Finalize overall design and content plan


Bringing It All to Life

  • Fabricate and quality test the center
  • Work with Engineering, Operations and Facilities to coordinate and install your donor engagement center
  • Post-installation content updates

Expertise and



exterior donor recognition at Jim Pattison Children's Hospital


Brynn Boback-Lane

President & CEO

P: 306-227-7107



Morgan Moravec

Assistant Director of Donor Recognition

P: 816-302-0452


donor engagement center


Jonathon Lyon

President & CEO

P: 204-515-5616




Designing beautiful, creative, and impactful donor recognition to honour your community of donors would be a process orchestrated collaboratively with you. We refer to that process as the design development process.

In this section, we provide a few illustrations to serve as examples of a potential starting point for our collaborative design development process.



To see the concepts, renderings, and design rationale, please click the button below.



We know financial considerations are important, so we have provided budget ranges to give context to each of the illustrative concepts shown above. These ranges are preliminary. We would work with you in the Discovery Phase to determine final pricing based upon the final design and size, materials chosen, and digital content requirements for your donor engagement centre.



Project Award
October 28, 2022
Kick Off & Structural Design Meeting #1
Brook & MGUHP
November 1, 2022
Complete Critical Site Information Documents
November 4, 2022
Scope of Work Contract Submitted
November 10, 2022
Structural Design Meeting #2
Brook & MGUHP
November 18, 2022
Structural Design Meeting #3 (if required)
Brook & MGUHP
November 29, 2022
Structural Design Approval (40% Payment)
November 21-30, 2022
Scope of Work Contract Signed (40% Payment)
November 30, 2022
Engineering Phase Begins
December 1, 2022
Review Preliminary Site Prep Drawings
Brook & MGUHP
December 12, 2022
Submit Completed Site Prep Drawings
December 23, 2022
Final Design Phase (Graphics, Colors, Etc.)
Brook & MGUHP
January - February 2023
Final Design Approval (40% Payment)
February 2023
Content Development Phase
Brook & MGUHP
February - July 2023
Install Begins
Early August 2023
Install Completion Deadline (20% Payment)
August 30, 2023





Experience with organizations of similar size, scope, and complexity

Alignment in organizational values

Technical abilities and resources

Understanding and appreciation of the philanthropic landscape of donor recognition

Ability to facilitate the entire process from discovery through to implementation

Competitive pricing structure that reflects our appreciation for the valued partnership

Demonstrated concern for consistency, accuracy, and attention to detail

Recommendations from current clients



We would be thrilled to create and install a donor engagement center (complete with powerful and impactful content) and create the design for your donor recognition naming signage for the new Medical and Surgical Pavilion. It is our belief that doing so would not only create memorable experiences for your current donors but would inspire future donors to join in the mission and vision of Medstar Georgetown University Hospital!

Thank you!


Darren Parker


Darren is a mission-driven, strategic, philanthropic leader with an extensive background in fundraising in healthcare and education. With a vast array of knowledge in the areas of major gifts, planned gifts, annual gifts and donor stewardship, Darren can guide BrookGlobal’s client partners through the donor recognition and engagement process, having been in their shoes. Darren brings a lot of passion, knowledge, and thought-leadership to his role, meeting with clients, hosting seminars and acting as an in-house expert on all things innovative healthcare and education development.

Daniel Beer


Daniel has been responsible for the development and execution of extensive design and consultation services for hundreds of projects over the last twenty years. His greatest asset when pursuing the highest level of customer satisfaction and client testimonials can be attributed to his strong communication skills. Daniel inspires our team and provides a tremendous amount of mentoring and insight.

Shawn Plater


Shawn is all about inspiring philanthropy and improving lives. He leads through his strength of character and a visionary plan for growth, culture, partnerships, and the community. He is passionate about working with non-profits, always adding strategic insight to their sustainability and engagement. Shawn is continuously willing to challenge the status quo, adding exponential value through market disruption and innovation.

Kerilee Falloon


Equipped with a highly strategic mind, Kerilee is incredibly adaptable, having excelled in sectors ranging from finance to education. She possesses the skills and experience to analyze a situation from a high level while being equally committed to attending to each detail. Kerilee is particularly adept at navigating the fast-paced, ever-changing world of digital marketing, ensuring that each specific audience receives the message that’s relevant to them. 

Anna Leskiw

creative specialist

Upon completion of her post-secondary education, Anna’s work experience had been primarily within the advertising and visual communications field, firstly with graphic design, then evolving to art direction, and finally to a marketing project manager. Many years of experience and a professional attitude continue to determine the method of approach and dedication required for each task. The high level of creativity, consideration of the client and their target markets, as well as attention to detail has been the key element to the success of many projects.

Brett Mencik

project Manager

A Red-Seal Journeyman with more than seven years’ experience as a construction foreman, Brett leads the teams that install BrookGlobal’s donor engagement systems. He manages all on-site installations and updates, plus coordinates with our client partners’ facilities and maintenance teams to ensure minimal disruption. He is skilled at adapting to on-site conditions and maintains the highest safety standards while adhering to a disciplined approach to ensure deadlines are met. All his activities, including providing partner support during field visits, are aimed at achieving maximum customer satisfaction.

Miroslav Mackic


Positive, organized, and efficient, Miro provides strategic leadership to the production and project management teams, ensuring effective management of labour, productivity, quality control, and safety. He uses his extensive operations experience to ensure our teams and projects are running on schedule without errors or issues.

Bruce Plater


Bruce is a maestro when it comes to taking the design of a donor engagement system and making it a reality. With over 30+ years of building and designing donor engagement systems, Bruce has seen it all. This level of insight and intuition has led to the development of many of our systems such as the Brook Easy Change system and our Suspended Cable system. Bruce runs our engineering team to model the designs via CAD to develop detailed drawings for all the material and components needed to create the donor engagement system. These instructions are used by our install team and project management for the upcoming installation and material purchasing.

Aaron Noble


Aaron combines his strong customer service and detail orientation with an unfailing willingness to help others in serving each and every customer. As an experienced project manager, he has overseen and coordinated major projects from design to construction during the past decade. He guides teams from across the Americas to ensure projects remain on schedule, and within budget, as they exceed the expectations of our client partners in achieving successful outcomes.


The purpose of the Discovery Phase is to ensure that we understand the strategic objectives and aspirations you have for your department and how this particular project fits into those objectives. This ensures that everything we co-create with you is capable of being a tool to help drive the growth and awareness of the important work you do.

The Discovery Phase concludes after we’ve drafted two working documents with you – Major Objectives of the Project and What Does Success Look Like? We review and affirm those documents in the next phase – the Strategy Phase. 


The Strategy Phase is when we take all we learned in the Discovery Phase and develop strategies to ensure your project achieves as many strategic objectives as possible.

In addition, we work with you to confirm your aspirations related to viewer experience, then use this knowledge to create strategies to impact the design of your display. This ensures that the design can optimally communicate your appreciation of your donors nowand remain a relevant, impactful, philanthropic tool for years to come.


The Design Phase is when everything begins to take shape. It is in this phase that we work with you to make the transition from ideas and concepts to actual drawings, illustrations, or documents that become real.

We have enormous experience in orchestrating this process to produce a result that uniquely reflects your aspirations, hopes, and dreams. In addition, we ensure you end up with powerful tools to help drive and sustain growth in your philanthropic program, speak to all audiences, enhance your culture, and provide critical messages you can migrate across all communication channels.


The Implementation Phase is exactly what the name implies. It is the phase when the display is built, tested, and installed. We bring our vast construction and engineering experience to this process and can navigate unforeseen challenges or last-minute changes needed.

Our attention to detail and commitment to quality ensure that your display is a long-lasting tool for your department. We have received numerous accolades from hospital and university facility offices for our installers’ professionalism and capabilities. We understand that we are visitors to your facility, and we do everything we can to honor and respect that environment. 

BrookGlobal has vast experience working with complex organizations related to recognition displays.

BrookGlobal’s humble expertise, work ethic, and commitment to excellence is seen in everything we do.  

BrookGlobal’s 40+ years of experience with over 800 projects gives us a breadth and depth of knowledge and ability.

Celebrating donors and clearly communicating the impact of their donations is a powerful tool to sustain and even accelerate the trajectory of growth of a fundraising program.

Our partnership is one from start to finish and this ensures that your donor recognition is a powerful and effective communication tool for your fundraising team.

BrookGlobal believes in the impact our clients make in their communities and the world. We believe an investment like this project is one that returns value to our clients and helps them grow and sustain their departments.

BrookGlobal’s commitment to excellence and attention to accuracy and detail can be seen in our projects across North America.

BrookGlobal has raving fans and a commitment to “Deliver the wow!” in every project for every client.