1. Recognize new donors promptly
In a recent study, 54% of donors said they gave because they believed in the mission of the organization. In other words, your new donors are engaged with what you’re doing now.
Don’t let months drag by before you acknowledge their generosity! Recognize their giving promptly. They’ll be encouraged to give again, and their philanthropy will live on. Our updatable systems lets you easily refresh your donor wall within seconds.
2. Increase donor retention with updatable systems
You care. But do your donors know that?
Have you told them where their money is going? Every donation makes an impact. Tell them about the neonatal incubator, or the new aquatic center on your campus. Relevant information keeps current donors engaged and inspired to keep giving. A donor recognition wall that is frequently refreshed turns new donors into ongoing donors.

3. Attract future donors
These are the people who are not donating yet.
According to canadahelps.org, the average donor retention rate is 43%. This means that for every 100 people who donate to your foundation, 57 of them won’t come back. So it’s important to keep attracting first-time donors.
Tired signage that never changes won’t inspire the average millennial or Gen Z to donate.
4. Engage all stakeholders
So back to that chain reaction.
When all stakeholders — donors, staff, visitors, patients, students and community — are given a sense of belonging, great things happen.
A caregiver, bone-weary from a 12-hour shift, reads a thank-you note from a family — and feels energized to be back tomorrow. A patient recovers, and a donor smiles, knowing that they were partly responsible for the good news. A father or mother reads through the list of donors and is grateful knowing that their child’s recovery would not have been possible without the generosity of these donors. And a visitor browses through all the information and decides to give…

5. Opportunity for a better location
As any realtor will tell you, location is key. Where are your communication systems right now?
When you expand or refresh your facility, take the chance to upgrade your donor wall. It might be time to give it a new location. See here for some good ideas on where to put your messaging systems.