4 Ways to Appreciate Your Donors

Fundraising professionals know thanking and appreciating donors goes far beyond an expression of gratitude. It’s a brilliant opportunity to build relationships. When done properly, appreciating your donors can encourage future gifts and ensure a sustainable fundraising future for your organization. 

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The Benefits of Thanking Your Donors

There are countless benefits to showing appreciation for your donors but we thought we’d highlight two of the most important reasons.  

Ensuring the donor feels important

There are several ways to do this, including gifting a tangible thank-you, providing a branded or custom donor gift and making clear that this particular thank-you is only for a very select group of donors.

increasing awareness of the cause or organization

Your donors are influential. Gifting them a thank-you that is branded helps empower donors to spread the word and inspire others around them to give.

4 Ways to Thank Your Donors

1. donor wall

A donor wall or donor recognition wall is a wall that honors the generous donors who participated in a fundraising effort or specific campaign of a nonprofit organization. It is a great way to show you appreciate your donors and that you genuinely care about the impact they have on your organization.

However, a donor wall is more than just a ‘thank-you’, learn how you can use it as a transformational tool for your fundraising efforts.

2. wall canvas

A wall canvas can be a visual and practical way to express the mission and values of the organization that your donors have so generously supported. Seeing a wall canvas prominently displayed can remind employees, stakeholders and donors why they’re doing what they’re doing and why their work is important. It also a reminder that they are part of a mission bigger than themselves. 

3. video brochure

A video brochure is a new and modern way of communicating that many people have not seen before and is effective on many levels. Not only can a donor interact with the brochure, it also provides a sensory and tactile experience as the person watches, touches and listens to the impact of their donation. Video brochures help connect your donors to the causes they support without an in-person tour or meeting.

A video brochure also has exceptional reach: recent studies show that 15 people other than the recipient will view the video brochure.

4. Appreication PLaques

Honor your major and transformational donors through highly impactful and creative appreciation plaques.

donor gift
donor gift

Honor your major and transformational donors through highly impactful and creative appreciation plaques.

virtual fundraising event icon

Inspired to show your donors you genuinely appreciate the impact they have had on your organization? Book a meeting to learn more best practices from leaders in the industry.


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