donor recognition wall with key foundation messaging

Hospital Areas You Don’t Currently Have Key Messaging in But You Should

The way people move through hospitals and clinics has changed dramatically over the past few months. We need to take the key foundation messaging to where the patients are now.


12 recommended spaces for messaging during a pandemic.

Patient Flow is Bypassing Key Foundation Messaging

Now, the typical journey through the hospital has changed dramatically. The key stakeholders are bypassing key foundation messaging they would have seen before.

Patients see minimal key foundation messaging; they have no idea of the donor’s care, of the hospital’s mission, and of any ways that people just like them are making a positive impact within hospital.

Medial staff aren’t being exposed to remarkable “behind-the-scenes” work the foundation does, to the organizational philanthropic culture, and they don’t have the support from the foundation staff.

And most importantly, the foundation staff isn’t even in the hospital. They have to rely on overwhelmed and exhausted medical staff for any messaging and they are missing so many key opportunities to expand their donor database while trying to maintain and ultimate increase their fundraising efforts.

The way people move through hospitals and clinics has changed dramatically over the past few months. We need to take messaging to where the patients and staff are now.

lady looking at key foundation messaging

Smaller Systems in More Locations

Foundations need to present smaller communication systems that will fit into multiple locations where people are currently gathering in hospitals. This on-site exposure is essential to maintaining awareness for your mission, and to create the sense of community that’s generally missing in these temporary/isolated waiting areas.

smaller system with key foundation messaging

Framed for Hope

Maximizing key foundation messaging in waiting areas and patient lounges is critical, but so is the way your messaging is framed. People are looking for hope, solutions, opportunities, and often something to help distract them.

Heart-warming stories, short clips of survival, anecdotes of how the hospital cared for a loved one, and ‘reasons why I give’ from real donors are wonderful ways to communicate using smaller communications systems.

Share messages such as donor’s stories, highlight historic foundation moments over the years, and ways the foundation is adapting during the pandemic so the hospital can continue to provide the best care for every patient.

Use this opportunity to place key foundation messaging around the facility, and to create a sense of connection for patients who may feel more alone than ever before.

We can help with communication systems that fit perfectly in a variety of locations. Contact us today, and let’s work together to make sure that the messaging that matters is shared in creative, interesting, and effective ways.


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